15 Difference-in-Differences

In this chapter you will estimate the “Garbage Incinerator” Difference-In-Differences model discussed in LN7. You will also see an example of a model that includes polynomials. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Wherever it says “WRITE YOUR CODE HERE”, write code. I’ll label the entire code chunk with this, and then put in additional comments to walk you through what to do specifically. When you start there will be error many messages (because I included code for some tables using results you have to create). After you’ve written all the code you need to write, there should not be any more error messages in the output.
  2. Wherever it says “WRITE YOUR ANSWER HERE”, write your answer. These areas will be between three asterisks (which add horizontal lines before and after your answer) and HTML tags div class="textSoln" (which make your answer in red font). Make sure to keep your answers between these markings.

Note that this chapter will be graded more like a regular assignment in a regular course. It will receive a grade, and there will not be a chance to re-submit.

15.1 Data


## Set how many decimals at which R starts to use scientific notation

## Load data
mydata <- read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LhostEcon/380data/main/garbageIncineratorDD.csv")

The data has 321 observations on house prices in North Andover, MA. The variables include:

Variable Description
year 1978 or 1981
dist miles from incinerator
rprice price, 1978 dollars (“r” means real price, corrected for inflation)
age age of house in years
rooms # rooms in house
baths # bathrooms
area house size in square feet
land land area in square feet

The relevant background is covered in LN7, but I’ll summarize it again. We have house prices in 1978 and 1981 in North Andover, MA. In 1978 no one knows about any garbage incinerator, so prices in 1978 cannot be affected by the garbage incinerator. In 1979 it was announced publicly that a new garbage incinerator would be built and operational by 1981. The variable “dist” has the distance in miles from the future location of the incinerator. We want to estimate if knowledge of the future incinerator lowered house prices for houses near the incinerator. We’ll define “near” as within 3 miles of the incinerator location.

          type = "html",
          summary.stat = c("n","mean","sd", "min", "median", "max"))
Statistic N Mean St. Dev. Min Median Max
year 321 1,979.327 1.492 1,978 1,978 1,981
dist 321 3.923 1.611 0.947 3.769 7.576
rprice 321 83,721.350 33,118.790 26,000.000 82,000.000 300,000.000
age 321 18.009 32.566 0 4 189
rooms 321 6.586 0.901 4 7 10
baths 321 2.340 0.771 1 2 4
area 321 2,106.729 694.958 735 2,056 5,136
land 321 39,629.890 39,514.390 1,710 43,560 544,500

Note that I put mydata inside as.data.frame(). Sometimes stargazer doesn’t work otherwise (as some of you found out in the CP).

15.2 Model 1

Estimate the following model and store the results in model1

\[rprice=\beta_0+\beta_1near+\beta_2y81+\beta_3near\cdot y81+u\] where

Variable Description
near =1 if house is 3 miles or less from incinerator location, = 0 o/w
y81 =1 if house sold in 1981, = 0 o/w

Fill in your code in the code chunk below. You need to generate the near and y81 variables a variable for the interaction term (i.e., y81near=y81*near).

Tip about creating dummy variables: If you use something like dist<=3 to create near, it will create a column of TRUE and FALSE. If you put the condition in parentheses and multiply by 1, it will turn TRUE into 1 and FALSE into 0. Thus, (dist<=3)*1 is equivalent to ifelse(dist<=3,1,0)

Tip (or, more of a requirement for 380) about interaction terms: R will let you include y81*near in the regression directly, but do not do this in 380 (and I suggest not doing it after 380 either, at least unless you check to make sure it’s doing what you think it’s doing). Frequently people make mistakes when they rely on R to include the interactions for them. To be sure that you know what the interaction terms are, you need to create them yourself. So create the interaction term yourself. You can name it y81near.

After you create the three variables, estimate the regression, store the regression results in model1, and display the results using pander.

Then, use group_by() and summarize to calculate the mean price for the four groups (far 1978, far 1981, near 1978, near 1981). Store the results in a dataframe named comparison.

Finally, add to comparison a column with the predicted price for each of the 4 groups using the regression coefficients. They should be close to identical, which you can verify by calculation the difference.

Display comparison using pander(comparison).

## WRITE YOUR CODE HERE (below each of the comments in this code chunk)

## Create 3 variables (near, y81, and y81near)
mydata <- mydata %>% 
  mutate(near=ifelse(dist<=3, 1, 0),
         y81=ifelse(year==1981, 1, 0),
         y81near=ifelse(year==1981 & dist<=3, 1, 0))

## Estimate model
model1 <- lm(rprice~near+y81+y81near, data=mydata)

  Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 82517 2727 30.26 1.709e-95
near -18824 4875 -3.861 0.0001368
y81 18790 4050 4.64 0.000005117
y81near -11864 7457 -1.591 0.1126
Fitting linear model: rprice ~ near + y81 + y81near
Observations Residual Std. Error \(R^2\) Adjusted \(R^2\)
321 30243 0.1739 0.1661
## 4 group averages using group_by() and summarize() 
## and store it in table named comparison
comparison <- mydata %>% 
  group_by(near, y81) %>% 
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'near'. You can override using the
## `.groups` argument.
## Create a column named regression so that you can store the values from the regression
## corresponding with the averages just calculated using group_by() and summarize()
## Initially sat it to NA (then fill in each value below)
comparison$regression <- NA

## Now replace the NAs one at a time separately for each group
## Leave the value as-is except for the particular group. 
## There are many ways to do it. I use ifelse()
## I'll fill in the first one for you so it's clear what you can do 
## (but if you want to do it a different way, feel free)

## far 1978
comparison$regression <- ifelse(comparison$near == 0 & comparison$y81 == 0, 

## far 1981
comparison$regression <- ifelse(comparison$near == 0 & comparison$y81 == 1, 

## near 1978
comparison$regression <- ifelse(comparison$near == 1 & comparison$y81 == 0, 

## near 1981
comparison$regression <- ifelse(comparison$near == 1 & comparison$y81 == 1, 

## Calculate the difference (should be very close to 0 if the averages and regression results are identical)
comparison$dif <- comparison$regression - comparison$priceAvg

## Display the comparison dataframe to show that the averages and regression results are identical
## (using pander to display the table, which we can do because it only has 4 lines)
near y81 priceAvg regression dif
0 0 82517 82517 -1.455e-11
0 1 101308 101308 1.455e-11
1 0 63693 63693 -1.455e-11
1 1 70619 70653 34.08

15.2.1 Equivalent model 1

In LN7 we discuss an equivalent model that defines dummy variables for each group. Create the set of group dummy variables and estimate the model. Store it in model1equiv. Calculate the conditional expectation for the four groups and add them to the comparison dataframe as a new column named regressionEquiv (and add a dif2 column to show that the values are identical).

## WRITE YOUR CODE HERE (below each of the comments in this code chunk)

## Create Variables
mydata <- mydata %>% 
  mutate(y81far = ifelse(year==1981 & dist>3, 1, 0),
         y78near = ifelse(year==1978 & dist<=3, 1, 0))

## we already created y81near above

## Estimate model
model1equiv <- lm(rprice~y81near+y78near+y81far, data=mydata)

  Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 82517 2727 30.26 1.709e-95
y81near -11898 5505 -2.161 0.03141
y78near -18824 4875 -3.861 0.0001368
y81far 18790 4050 4.64 0.000005117
Fitting linear model: rprice ~ y81near + y78near + y81far
Observations Residual Std. Error \(R^2\) Adjusted \(R^2\)
321 30243 0.1739 0.1661
## Create a column named regressionEquiv so that you can store the values from this regression
## corresponding with the averages and regression results calculated earlier
## Initially sat it to NA (then fill in each value below)
comparison$regressionEquiv <- NA

## Now replace the NAs one at a time separately for each group, as you did above

## far 1978
comparison$regressionEquiv <- ifelse(comparison$near == 0 & comparison$y81 == 0, 

## far 1981
comparison$regressionEquiv <- ifelse(comparison$near == 0 & comparison$y81 == 1, 
                                coef(model1equiv)["(Intercept)"]+ coef(model1equiv)["y81far"], 

## near 1978
comparison$regressionEquiv <- ifelse(comparison$near == 1 & comparison$y81 == 0, 
                                coef(model1equiv)["(Intercept)"]+ coef(model1equiv)["y78near"], 

## near 1981
comparison$regressionEquiv <- ifelse(comparison$near == 1 & comparison$y81 == 1, 
                                coef(model1equiv)["(Intercept)"]+ coef(model1equiv)["y81near"], 

## Calculate the difference (should be very close to 0 if the averages and regression results are identical)
comparison$dif2 <- comparison$regressionEquiv - comparison$regression

## Display the comparison dataframe to show that the averages and regression results are identical
## (using pander to display the table, which we can do because it only has 4 lines)
near y81 priceAvg regression dif regressionEquiv dif2
0 0 82517 82517 -1.455e-11 82517 0
0 1 101308 101308 1.455e-11 101308 -1.455e-11
1 0 63693 63693 -1.455e-11 63693 -3.638e-11
1 1 70619 70653 34.08 70619 -34.08

15.3 Model 2

Now estimate the following model

\[ \begin{align} rprice=\beta_0+\beta_1near+\beta_2y81+\beta_3near\cdot y81 &+\beta_4age+\beta_5age^2 + \beta_6rooms \\ &+ \beta_7baths+\beta_8area+\beta_9land+u \end{align} \]

where \(age^2\) is the variable age squared. Store your regression results in model2. Note that if you want to use \(age^2\) inside lm() instead of creating the agesq variable first, you need to put the age^2 inside I(). But I suggest creating agesq manually so you’re positive you’re using what you want to use. Thus, create an agesq variable yourself instead of using I(age^2) inside lm().


## add variable named agesq mydata
mydata <- mydata %>% 
## Estimate regression that includes age and agesq
model2 <- lm(rprice~near+y81+y81near+age+agesq+rooms+baths+area+land, data=mydata)
  Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 2189 10440 0.2097 0.8341
near 9965 3881 2.568 0.0107
y81 15210 2788 5.455 0.00000009997
y81near -15021 5030 -2.986 0.003048
age -657.2 129 -5.095 0.0000006063
agesq 3.083 0.8099 3.806 0.0001698
rooms 3281 1679 1.954 0.05156
baths 7489 2601 2.879 0.004267
area 17.83 2.328 7.658 2.405e-13
land 0.1156 0.02993 3.863 0.0001364
Fitting linear model: rprice ~ near + y81 + y81near + age + agesq + rooms + baths + area + land
Observations Residual Std. Error \(R^2\) Adjusted \(R^2\)
321 19824 0.6518 0.6417

15.4 Comparison of models

Here we display the two models in a stargazer table. First we’ll display them with the p-values. Then we’ll display them with standard errors, next with the t-statistic, and finally with the 95% confidence interval. It’s common for results to be presenting with one of these four statistics, so it’s important for you to be comfortable with each choice. Note that you do NOT want to display multiple tables of the same models like I’m doing here. We’re only displaying this to make sure you understand what the various statistics are telling you and how they connect to each other. For most of what you do in 380, I want you to display p-values.

I’ve included the stargazer tables for you. Until you estimate the models this will display errors in the output,.

stargazer(model1, model2, 
          type = "html", 
          keep.stat = c("n","rsq","adj.rsq"), 
          notes = "p-value reported in parentheses,  <em>&#42;p&lt;0.1;&#42;&#42;p&lt;0.05;&#42;&#42;&#42;p&lt;0.01</em>", 
          notes.append = FALSE)
Dependent variable:
(1) (2)
near -18,824.370*** 9,964.964**
p = 0.0002 p = 0.011
y81 18,790.290*** 15,210.440***
p = 0.00001 p = 0.00000
y81near -11,863.900 -15,020.680***
p = 0.113 p = 0.004
age -657.159***
p = 0.00000
agesq 3.083***
p = 0.0002
rooms 3,280.510*
p = 0.052
baths 7,489.360***
p = 0.005
area 17.830***
p = 0.000
land 0.116***
p = 0.0002
Constant 82,517.230*** 2,189.081
p = 0.000 p = 0.835
Observations 321 321
R2 0.174 0.652
Adjusted R2 0.166 0.642
Note: p-value reported in parentheses, *p<0.1;**p<0.05;***p<0.01
stargazer(model1, model2, 
          type = "html", 
          keep.stat = c("n","rsq","adj.rsq"), 
          notes = "standard error reported in parentheses, <em>&#42;p&lt;0.1;&#42;&#42;p&lt;0.05;&#42;&#42;&#42;p&lt;0.01</em>", 
          notes.append = FALSE)
Dependent variable:
(1) (2)
near -18,824.370*** 9,964.964**
(4,875.322) (3,880.777)
y81 18,790.290*** 15,210.440***
(4,050.065) (2,788.266)
y81near -11,863.900 -15,020.680***
(7,456.646) (5,029.757)
age -657.159***
agesq 3.083***
rooms 3,280.510*
baths 7,489.360***
area 17.830***
land 0.116***
Constant 82,517.230*** 2,189.081
(2,726.910) (10,440.190)
Observations 321 321
R2 0.174 0.652
Adjusted R2 0.166 0.642
Note: standard error reported in parentheses, *p<0.1;**p<0.05;***p<0.01
stargazer(model1, model2, 
          type = "html", 
          keep.stat = c("n","rsq","adj.rsq"), 
          notes = "t-statistic reported for each coefficient, <em>&#42;p&lt;0.1;&#42;&#42;p&lt;0.05;&#42;&#42;&#42;p&lt;0.01</em>", 
          notes.append = FALSE)
Dependent variable:
(1) (2)
near -18,824.370*** 9,964.964**
t = -3.861 t = 2.568
y81 18,790.290*** 15,210.440***
t = 4.640 t = 5.455
y81near -11,863.900 -15,020.680***
t = -1.591 t = -2.986
age -657.159***
t = -5.095
agesq 3.083***
t = 3.806
rooms 3,280.510*
t = 1.954
baths 7,489.360***
t = 2.879
area 17.830***
t = 7.658
land 0.116***
t = 3.863
Constant 82,517.230*** 2,189.081
t = 30.260 t = 0.210
Observations 321 321
R2 0.174 0.652
Adjusted R2 0.166 0.642
Note: t-statistic reported for each coefficient, *p<0.1;**p<0.05;***p<0.01
stargazer(model1, model2, 
          type = "html", 
          ci = TRUE,
          ci.level = 0.95,
          keep.stat = c("n","rsq","adj.rsq"), 
          notes = "95% confidence interval reported in parentheses, <em>&#42;p&lt;0.1;&#42;&#42;p&lt;0.05;&#42;&#42;&#42;p&lt;0.01</em>", 
          notes.append = FALSE)
Dependent variable:
(1) (2)
near -18,824.370*** 9,964.964**
(-28,379.830, -9,268.915) (2,358.781, 17,571.150)
y81 18,790.290*** 15,210.440***
(10,852.310, 26,728.270) (9,745.545, 20,675.350)
y81near -11,863.900 -15,020.680***
(-26,478.660, 2,750.855) (-24,878.830, -5,162.541)
age -657.159***
(-909.960, -404.357)
agesq 3.083***
(1.496, 4.670)
rooms 3,280.510*
(-9.419, 6,570.438)
baths 7,489.360***
(2,390.634, 12,588.080)
area 17.830***
(13.267, 22.393)
land 0.116***
(0.057, 0.174)
Constant 82,517.230*** 2,189.081
(77,172.580, 87,861.870) (-18,273.310, 22,651.470)
Observations 321 321
R2 0.174 0.652
Adjusted R2 0.166 0.642
Note: 95% confidence interval reported in parentheses, *p<0.1;**p<0.05;***p<0.01

15.5 Additional questions

15.5.1 Question 1

Based on model 1, what effect did the garbage incinerator have on house prices for houses “near” (within 3 miles of) the incinerator? Is this effect statistically significant?


Based on model 1, a house “near” the incinerator will be 18824.37 dollars less than a house “far” from the incinerator, holding the year constant. This effect is statically significant at the 1% level, as indicated by the p-value of 0.0002.

15.5.2 Question 2

Here is how you can easily report the confidence intervals for model1 for the 3 standard (i.e., commonly used/reported) levels of significance:

pander(confint(model1,level = 0.99))
  0.5 % 99.5 %
(Intercept) 75451 89584
near -31458 -6190
y81 8295 29286
y81near -31187 7459
pander(confint(model1,level = 0.95))
  2.5 % 97.5 %
(Intercept) 77152 87882
near -28416 -9232
y81 10822 26759
y81near -26535 2807
pander(confint(model1,level = 0.90))
  5 % 95 %
(Intercept) 78019 87016
near -26867 -10782
y81 12109 25472
y81near -24165 437.1

To reach the same conclusion about statistical significance of the effect of the garbage incinerator as your answer to the previous question (for which you looked at the p-value), what level confidence interval do we need to look at? Why?


You would need to look at the 99% confidence interval to make the same conclusion. The p-value of 0.0002 tells us that the coefficient is statistically significant at the 1% level, of that, less than 1% of the time we would see a coefficient as extreme or more extreme than -18824.37 if there was no relationship between being “near” the incinerator and the houses price. The 99% confidence interval gives us an interval for which we are 99% confident that the true population parameter exists in. If our confidence interval is accurate, 99% of the time we could expect the predicted coefficient to fall in this interval, and 1% of the time fall outside of it. This is why to reach the same conclusion about statistical significance as a 0.0002 p-value, we need to look at a 99% confidence interval. In other words a p-value of 0.01 tells us that 1% of the time we get this coefficient if there was no relationship, and a 99% confidence interval tells us that 99% of the time, out coefficient will be in this range, and 1% of the time it wont. If the 99% confidence interval doesn’t contain 0 (which it doesn’t) that means that our coefficient is statistically significant at the 1% level.

15.5.3 Question 3

Now look at the second model. Based on model2, what effect did the garbage incinerator have on house prices for houses “near” (within 3 miles of) the incinerator? Is this effect statistically significant?


Based on model2, being “near” the incinerator caused house prices to be 9964.96 dollars less than if they were far from the incinerator, holding all other explanatory variables constant. This effect is stastically significant at the 5% level.

15.5.4 Question 4

Calculate the confidence interval needed to reach the same conclusion about statistical significance of the effect of the garbage incinerator as your answer to the previous question (for which you looked at the p-value)? Explain why this is the level you need to look at to reach that conclusion.


pander(confint(model2,level = 0.95))
  2.5 % 97.5 %
(Intercept) -18353 22731
near 2329 17601
y81 9724 20697
y81near -24917 -5124
age -910.9 -403.4
agesq 1.489 4.677
rooms -22.27 6583
baths 2371 12608
area 13.25 22.41
land 0.05672 0.1745

The 95% confidence interval is the confidence interval we need to use to reach the same conclusion about statistical significance as the p-value. This is because our p-value is 0.011, meaning that the coefficient is statistically significant at the 5% level. This means that if there was no real relationship between being “near” the incinerator and price, less than 5% of the time would we see an coefficient as extreme or more than rformat(abs(coef(model2)[“near”]),digits=2,nsmall=2)`. This means that we need to look at the 95% confidence interval to make the same conclusion about statistical significance because 5% of the time we would expect the coefficient to fall outside of the 95% confidence interval. We can check this because the 99% confidence interval includes 0, and the 95% confidence interval doesn’t, meaning that our coefficient is statistically significant at the 5% level, but not the 1% level, which corresponds with what we get by looking at p-values.

15.6 Polynomials

For this part I’ve left in all the code, so there’s nothing you have to do here. However, I suggest you go through the code and experiment a bit until you understand what’s going on with polynomial models.

In model 2 you included a second order polynomial in age (i.e., you included age and age squared). What this allows for is the regression line to have a parabolic shape instead of being a straight line. To see an example of this, consider the following two models, the first that only includes age and the second that includes age and age squared.

Note that this part will display errors until you do the work above. In particular, make sure you have created an agesq variable since it is used below.

modelAge <- lm(rprice~age,data=mydata)
Fitting linear model: rprice ~ age
  Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 89799 1996 44.98 3.838e-140
age -337.5 53.71 -6.283 1.086e-09
mydata$yHatAge <- fitted(modelAge)

## Make sure you have created an "agesq" variable above
modelAge2 <- lm(rprice~age+agesq,data=mydata)
Fitting linear model: rprice ~ age + agesq
  Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 98512 1904 51.73 6.692e-157
age -1457 115.2 -12.65 5.333e-30
agesq 8.293 0.7812 10.62 9.799e-23
mydata$yHatAge2 <- fitted(modelAge2)

ggplot(data=mydata,aes(y=rprice,x=age)) + 
  geom_point(shape=4) + 
  geom_point(aes(y=yHatAge,x=age),color="blue",size=2)  + 
  geom_line(aes(y=yHatAge,x=age),color="blue") +
  geom_point(aes(y=yHatAge2,x=age),color="green",size=2)  + 

To see a slightly more complete model, also including near, y81, and y81near. Let’s define a factor variable that will indicate the four groups by color. We’ll first display the graph for the model that only includes age (plus near, y81, and y81near). Then we’ll display the graph for the model that also includes age squared.

## Create variable with group (so that we can later use color=group in ggplot)
mydata$group <- ifelse(mydata$near==0 & mydata$year==1978,"y78far",
                       ifelse(mydata$near==1 & mydata$year==1978,"y78near",
                       ifelse(mydata$near==0 & mydata$year==1981,

## Model with just linear age (and dummies)

modelAgeWithGroups <- lm(rprice~age+near+y81+y81near,data=mydata)
mydata$yHatAgeWithGroups <- fitted(modelAgeWithGroups)

ggplot(data=mydata,aes(y=rprice,x=age,color=group)) + 
  geom_point(shape=4) + 
  geom_point(aes(y=yHatAgeWithGroups,x=age,color=group),size=2)  +

## Model with quadratic age (and dummies)
modelAge2WithGroups <- lm(rprice~age+agesq+near+y81+y81near,data=mydata)
Fitting linear model: rprice ~ age + agesq + near + y81 + y81near
  Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 89117 2406 37.04 8.248e-117
age -1494 131.9 -11.33 3.348e-25
agesq 8.691 0.8481 10.25 1.859e-21
near 9398 4812 1.953 0.05171
y81 21321 3444 6.191 1.857e-09
y81near -21920 6360 -3.447 0.0006445
mydata$yHatAge2WithGroups <- fitted(modelAge2WithGroups)

ggplot(data=mydata,aes(y=rprice,x=age,color=group)) + 
  geom_point(shape=4) + 
  geom_point(aes(y=yHatAge2WithGroups,x=age,color=group),size=2)  +
  geom_line(aes(y=yHatAge2WithGroups,x=age,color=group)) +
  scale_color_manual(values=c("red", "orange", "green","blue"))

What you see in the polynomial graphs is that include age squared allows for a nonlinear relationship. Here, initially house price goes down as the house gets older. However, after about 100 years, older houses start to sell for more. This makes sense. Initially getting older is bad because older houses are more likely to have problems, require repairs, etc. But a hundred+ year old house is probably a pretty nice house if it’s survived that long, it might be considered “historic”, etc. We can’t possibly capture that relationship unless we specify our model in a way that allows for a nonlinear relationship. Sometimes you will also see a cubic term. That allows for three turns in the relationship (down, up, down, or up, down, up).

Here I used scale_color_manual to explicitly set the colors. The default colors were fine, but below in what follows we’re going to plot the lines manually. For this, we need to set the colors manually. It is easier to match the colors if we use scale_color_manual for the parts that ggplot can do on its own. But if you were just making the graph above, letting it pick the colors will often be fine (i.e., don’t feel like you always need to set the colors manually…part of the point of using gglot is that it does a pretty good job on its own).

Note that in the final graph, the only reason the lines overlap is because ggplot simply connects the dots. Because the x values are spaced out, it essentially cuts the corner, making flat portions instead of keeping the parabolic shape. If there were more points the bottom wouldn’t be flat and the lines wouldn’t cross.

That said, clearly the way it cuts the corners makes it not look like the graph of a parabola. To fix this (which you need to do if you wanted to graph a model with a quadratic), you can do the equivalent of manually creating the yHat values (instead of using fitted() that only creates points based on the actual x values). Here is an example of how to do so:

## Create dataframe to hold fake x values (recall 1:200 is 1, 2, 3, ..., 200)
squareLines <- data.frame(xVals=1:200)

## add yHat values for each of the x values for each group
squareLines$yHayA_far78 <- coef(modelAge2WithGroups)["(Intercept)"] +
                            coef(modelAge2WithGroups)["age"]*squareLines$xVals +
squareLines$yHayA_near78 <- coef(modelAge2WithGroups)["(Intercept)"] +
                            coef(modelAge2WithGroups)["near"] +
                            coef(modelAge2WithGroups)["age"]*squareLines$xVals +
squareLines$yHayA_far81 <- coef(modelAge2WithGroups)["(Intercept)"] +
                            coef(modelAge2WithGroups)["y81"] +
                            coef(modelAge2WithGroups)["age"]*squareLines$xVals +
squareLines$yHayA_near81 <- coef(modelAge2WithGroups)["(Intercept)"] +
                            coef(modelAge2WithGroups)["near"] +
                            coef(modelAge2WithGroups)["y81"] +
                            coef(modelAge2WithGroups)["y81near"] +
                            coef(modelAge2WithGroups)["age"]*squareLines$xVals +

## This graph uses 2 dataframes, so we specify the data in each geom
## If you try to specify one dataframe in ggplot() and the second in the geom, it doesn't work
ggplot() + 
  geom_point(data=mydata,aes(y=rprice,x=age,color=group),shape=4) +
  geom_line(data=squareLines,aes(x=xVals, y=yHayA_far78),color="red") +
  geom_line(data=squareLines,aes(x=xVals, y=yHayA_near78),color="orange") +
  geom_line(data=squareLines,aes(x=xVals, y=yHayA_far81),color="green") +
  geom_line(data=squareLines,aes(x=xVals, y=yHayA_near81),color="blue") +
  geom_point(data=mydata,aes(y=yHatAge2WithGroups,x=age,color=group),size=2)  +
  scale_color_manual(values=c("red", "orange", "green","blue"))

In the graph you see how the lines for near in the two time periods are almost on top of each other. This is because the coefficient on y81 shifts the line up by 21321, but the coefficient on y81nearshifts it back down by close to the same amount (21920).

To make a graph like this last one for a model that includes more continuous x variables (such as the main model above that includes the number of rooms and bathrooms and the size of the house and land), you would need to shift the lines up or down to account for those other variables. The most common way to do so is to multiply each of the additional coefficients (i.e., all coefficients that aren’t dummy variables or the variable on the x axis) by the average value of that variable.

Fitting linear model: rprice ~ near + y81 + y81near + age + agesq + rooms + baths + area + land
  Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 2189 10440 0.2097 0.8341
near 9965 3881 2.568 0.0107
y81 15210 2788 5.455 0.00000009997
y81near -15021 5030 -2.986 0.003048
age -657.2 129 -5.095 0.0000006063
agesq 3.083 0.8099 3.806 0.0001698
rooms 3281 1679 1.954 0.05156
baths 7489 2601 2.879 0.004267
area 17.83 2.328 7.658 2.405e-13
land 0.1156 0.02993 3.863 0.0001364
mydata$yHatModel2 <- fitted(model2)

## Calculate the value to add to the intercept using the average values in the data for all continuous variables except age (the one that's on the x axis)
## We ignore the dummy variables because we need to create separate lines for each combination of dummy variables
constantShifter <- coef(model2)["rooms"]*mean(mydata$rooms) +
                    coef(model2)["baths"]*mean(mydata$baths) +
                    coef(model2)["area"]*mean(mydata$area) + 

## Create dataframe to hold fake x values (recall 1:200 is 1, 2, 3, ..., 200)
squareLines2 <- data.frame(xVals=1:200)

## add yHat values for each of the x values for each group
squareLines2$yHayA_far78 <- coef(model2)["(Intercept)"] +
                            constantShifter +
                            coef(model2)["age"]*squareLines2$xVals +
squareLines2$yHayA_near78 <- coef(model2)["(Intercept)"] +
                            constantShifter +
                            coef(model2)["near"] +
                            coef(model2)["age"]*squareLines2$xVals +
squareLines2$yHayA_far81 <- coef(model2)["(Intercept)"] +
                            constantShifter +
                            coef(model2)["y81"] +
                            coef(model2)["age"]*squareLines2$xVals +
squareLines2$yHayA_near81 <- coef(model2)["(Intercept)"] +
                            constantShifter +
                            coef(model2)["near"] +
                            coef(model2)["y81"] +
                            coef(model2)["y81near"] +
                            coef(model2)["age"]*squareLines2$xVals +

## this graph uses 2 dataframes, so we specify the data in each geom
## If you try to specify one dataframe in ggplot() and the second in the geom, it doesn't work
ggplot() + 
  geom_point(data=mydata,aes(y=rprice,x=age,color=group),shape=4) +
  geom_line(data=squareLines2,aes(x=xVals, y=yHayA_far78),color="red") +
  geom_line(data=squareLines2,aes(x=xVals, y=yHayA_near78),color="orange") +
  geom_line(data=squareLines2,aes(x=xVals, y=yHayA_far81),color="green") +
  geom_line(data=squareLines2,aes(x=xVals, y=yHayA_near81),color="blue") +
  geom_point(data=mydata,aes(y=yHatModel2,x=age,color=group),size=2)  +
  scale_color_manual(values=c("red", "orange", "green","blue"))

Notice how the yHat points are no longer on the lines. This is because they use the actual values of rooms, baths, area, and land instead of the averages

One thing to note about the approach we just followed is that we used the average values of rooms, baths, area, and land in the entire dataset. If the average values of these variables are similar for the 4 groups, this is approximately correct. However, the larger the differences across groups in the averages of the other variables, the further off the lines might be. Here is a way to use the group-specific average values for each group.

## Create dataframe with group-specific averages of the other continuous variables
meanByGroup <- mydata %>% select(y81, near, rooms, baths, area, land) %>%
                group_by(y81, near) %>%
                summarise(avgRooms = mean(rooms), 
                          avgBaths = mean(baths),
                          avgArea = mean(area),
                          avgLand = mean(land)) %>%
                as.data.frame() # the part below doesn't work if it's not a dataframe
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'y81'. You can override using the `.groups`
## argument.
y81 near avgRooms avgBaths avgArea avgLand
0 0 6.829 2.512 2075 52569
0 1 6.036 1.857 1835 21840
1 0 6.765 2.598 2351 40251
1 1 6.15 1.825 1962 23164
## Create dataframe to hold fake x values (recall 1:200 is 1, 2, 3, ..., 200)
squareLines3 <- data.frame(xVals=1:200)

## add yHat values for each of the x values for each group
squareLines3$yHayA_far78 <- coef(model2)["(Intercept)"] +
      coef(model2)["rooms"] * meanByGroup[(meanByGroup$near==0 & meanByGroup$y81==0),"avgRooms"] +
      coef(model2)["baths"] * meanByGroup[(meanByGroup$near==0 & meanByGroup$y81==0),"avgBaths"] +
      coef(model2)["area"] *  meanByGroup[(meanByGroup$near==0 & meanByGroup$y81==0),"avgArea"] + 
      coef(model2)["land"] *  meanByGroup[(meanByGroup$near==0 & meanByGroup$y81==0),"avgLand"] +
      coef(model2)["age"]*squareLines3$xVals +
squareLines3$yHayA_near78 <- coef(model2)["(Intercept)"] +
      coef(model2)["rooms"] * meanByGroup[(meanByGroup$near==1 & meanByGroup$y81==0),"avgRooms"] +
      coef(model2)["baths"] * meanByGroup[(meanByGroup$near==1 & meanByGroup$y81==0),"avgBaths"] +
      coef(model2)["area"] *  meanByGroup[(meanByGroup$near==1 & meanByGroup$y81==0),"avgArea"] + 
      coef(model2)["land"] *  meanByGroup[(meanByGroup$near==1 & meanByGroup$y81==0),"avgLand"] +
                            coef(model2)["near"] +
                            coef(model2)["age"]*squareLines3$xVals +
squareLines3$yHayA_far81 <- coef(model2)["(Intercept)"] +
      coef(model2)["rooms"] * meanByGroup[(meanByGroup$near==0 & meanByGroup$y81==1),"avgRooms"] +
      coef(model2)["baths"] * meanByGroup[(meanByGroup$near==0 & meanByGroup$y81==1),"avgBaths"] +
      coef(model2)["area"] *  meanByGroup[(meanByGroup$near==0 & meanByGroup$y81==1),"avgArea"] + 
      coef(model2)["land"] *  meanByGroup[(meanByGroup$near==0 & meanByGroup$y81==1),"avgLand"] +
                            coef(model2)["y81"] +
                            coef(model2)["age"]*squareLines3$xVals +
squareLines3$yHayA_near81 <- coef(model2)["(Intercept)"] +
      coef(model2)["rooms"] * meanByGroup[(meanByGroup$near==1 & meanByGroup$y81==1),"avgRooms"] +
      coef(model2)["baths"] * meanByGroup[(meanByGroup$near==1 & meanByGroup$y81==1),"avgBaths"] +
      coef(model2)["area"] *  meanByGroup[(meanByGroup$near==1 & meanByGroup$y81==1),"avgArea"] + 
      coef(model2)["land"] *  meanByGroup[(meanByGroup$near==1 & meanByGroup$y81==1),"avgLand"] +
                            coef(model2)["near"] +
                            coef(model2)["y81"] +
                            coef(model2)["y81near"] +
                            coef(model2)["age"]*squareLines3$xVals +

## this graph uses 2 dataframes, so we specify the data in each geom
## If you try to specify one dataframe in ggplot() and the second in the geom, it doesn't work
ggplot() + 
  geom_point(data=mydata,aes(y=rprice,x=age,color=group),shape=4) +
  geom_line(data=squareLines3,aes(x=xVals, y=yHayA_far78),color="red") +
  geom_line(data=squareLines3,aes(x=xVals, y=yHayA_near78),color="orange") +
  geom_line(data=squareLines3,aes(x=xVals, y=yHayA_far81),color="green") +
  geom_line(data=squareLines3,aes(x=xVals, y=yHayA_near81),color="blue") +
  geom_point(data=mydata,aes(y=yHatModel2,x=age,color=group),size=2)  +
  scale_color_manual(values=c("red", "orange", "green","blue"))

Using group-specific averages doesn’t make a huge difference, but it is noticeable. You can now clearly see all 4 lines due to this additional variation resulting from using group-specific averages.